
+47 902 64 719


[email protected]

Opening Hours

Anytime, Anywhere

Team members, Michelle Yarnell and Stijn Berbé, leading the final concert of one of our summer camp sessions.

Mark your calendar! In the summer of 2023, Artsy & Me will host a Band and Orchestra Camp in the idyllic country of Norway!

Our Band and Orchestra Camp aims to provide a week of fun, friendship, and musical growth!

Any student age 11 through 19 is eligible to participate, providing you have at least one year of playing experience. No audition is required! At the camp, we’ll place you in the ensemble most appropriate to your level.

All instruction will be in English. But even if English is not your native language, don’t let that stop you from joining our camp. There will be many people, speaking many different languages. And of course, music is our universal language!

What can I look forward to?

  • Five days of activities (not including travel days)
    • Full ensemble rehearsals
    • Sectional rehearsals
    • One-to-one instruction
    • Cultural activities
      • Visits to the fjords and many other sites, including a site featured in the latest James Bond movie!
    • Camp evening activities
      • Movie nights, talent show, quiz nights, barbecues, dance, and more!
  • Two concerts
  • A concert by the Artsy & Me team
  • Music electives

In short, an unforgettable experience!

Learn More:

Participant Information

A quick note: We sincerely hope that COVID-19 won’t interfere with our plans. Of course, we will notify you of cancellations in a timely manner. But given these circumstances, we do recommend you purchase travel insurance for flights or other means of transportation to our camp.