Social Emotional Learning is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.
Advancing Social and Emotional Learning. CASEL. (2022, August 3). Retrieved November 9, 2022, from
SEL in the Music Classroom
Artsy & Me’s model of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) embeds yoga practice into your music classroom. We believe that the intersection of yoga and music education creates a learning environment that is optimal for SEL.
How your actions, thoughts, and emotions align (or do not align) with your visions, without judging if they are right or wrong.
Our approach
How does your body feel? What are your musical strengths and weaknesses? At Artsy & Me we will guide you through body scans, visualizations, humming parts/songs, and tempo rehearsal techniques to bring self-awareness.
Taking responsibility for your own behavior and well-being.
Our approach
At Artsy & Me, we will give you tools such as various individual and partner breathing exercises to help reduce anxiety, stress and depression that are related to moments of life and music making.
Responsible Decision Making
Making constructive and respectful choices for personal and social means.
Our approach
Sometimes we act out on a whim and do not base our decisions on what is most responsible for our body and mind. Posture exercises and seated stretches will help keep our well-being stable to further our music making.
Relationship Skills
Establishing and maintaining healthy as well as rewarding relationships.
Our approach
When we are expected to practice music by ourselves, how can we increase our level of sensitivity to be part of an ensemble (a team player)? Large group breathing exercises, sound circles, posturing and more can help build the integral relationships needed in music and yoga.
Social Awareness
Looking at things from various perspectives.
Our approach
Figuring out our role in the larger group can be challenging. Sometimes our body language says something different than our spoken words. Through reaction playing and partner yoga we evaluate our role in the ensemble and in the moment.
What could SEL workshops look like?
SEL in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program
SEL is not something extra to apply to your classes. It can be embedded into your current curriculum. Only look at the Approaches to Learning (ATL) Skills as well as the Learner Profile to see how they align with the SEL competencies!
“Arts Education and Social Emotional Learning Framework.” Arts Education & Social Emotional Learning, 2023, Accessed 6 April 2023.
To see a detailed alignment of each ATL category, click on the name:
Contact us today to express your interest in SEL Workshops!
Note – we also align the SEL competencies with other curricula. Contact us today for more information on applying SEL competencies in your current school environment.
Looking for something that is more for the individual musician? Check out our Yoga for Musicians.